My new publicity plan

…is to slap Paris Hilton.

In the silence of having finished Switchcraft, I’m now preparing content for my website and planning to promote Names I Call My Sister; e.g. I’m torturing myself as to how can I get lots and lots of buzz about my new books. But then I saw an article on the AP that some chick slapped Paris Hilton and voila! I have the perfect plan. (insert wicked laughter)

I’ll have a t-shirt made with the cover of my book and then wait outside a club where Paris is hanging. Even better, I should lay in wait for Lindsay … oh no wait, Eva Longoria because she allegedly dumped what’s-his-name and everyone’s talking about her and we can work in that whole Latina angle. Anyway, just as the papparazzi spring into action, I’ll do one of those Nacho Libre flying leaps and then me and my book cover will be all over the place:, Access Hollywood, CNN … you name it.

Yeah, I’ll probably end up in jail on an assault and battery rap but then I’ll have added mileage when Gloria Alred escorts me to court.

In case you think I’m serious, I’m not.
