The Unlikeliest Places

I better ‘fess up. When I get stuck or bored or lazy, I make the rounds of gossip sites. But my meanderings paid off when I learned about legendary singer, Chavela Vargas from

Her ancient voice crackles from lost loves and alcohol. Even though she sings in Spanish, I feel what she’s singing about. Some things transcend words and to a writer that is humbling.



This is probably somewhat illegal but what the hell. Anyway, have you ever talked to someone who repeats how happy/smart/humble they are? When that happens, I always wonder if they’re saying it to convince me, or themselves and then of course, my imagination conjures all sorts of lurid possibilities as to why. Unlike most four year-olds, a writer never grows out of the “why’s”.

This scene from Breakfast at Tiffany’s is pitch perfect in conveying subtext. It helps if you’ve seen the film in its entirety to appreciate Holly’s subterfuge, but Audrey Hepburn’s performance does a lot of the work for you.

Check it out and then have yourself a great weekend!


Tone Deaf

Musique by Gustav Klimt @

The other day Ryan and I were talking about the books and scripts we’ve read lately. I had just come off a two-month reading dry spell during which I’d start a new book and then put it down at page 20, not caring what happened in the end.

Up till I had a child, my rule was never to leave a book unfinished. But I’m 35 now and in my family that makes me just shy of middle aged. My great grandma lived till she was 76 and my great grandpa and Grandma Mary stuck around till they were 88 … mas o menos (neither were forthcoming about their real ages). So compared to what I want to accomplish in this lifetime and my probable life expectancy, I don’t have a lot of time to waste.

Anyway, Ryan argued that the reason why so many movies fall short and why so many books go unfinished is that their authors are tone deaf when it comes to story. Even though many writers come up with great ideas and snazzy hooks, and possess enviable literary wit, they can’t move a story from point A to Z.

So when I think about the books that I’d given up on, I realized indeed they were tone deaf in story. In other words, nothing was happening except the protagonist complaining about his or her life. Or worse, I was reading an author who clearly loved hearing him or herself talk. Nothing was at stake and no one or nothing was in jeopardy and those my friends are the building blocks of a good story.

Now this isn’t a literary fiction versus popular fiction rant. Nor does it have anything to do with my constant irritation with books titled, “The Candyman’s Daughter” or “The Stinky Cheesemaker’s Wife.” I don’t think that you don’t have to be “genre-fied” to spin a rip-roaring yarn. For example, even some books that cultural connoisseurs have deemed literary fiction, tell stories. Check it out:

In Cold Mountain, a soldier is making his way back home and to the woman he loves. Inman is in constant peril and much is at stake.

In Water for Elephants, a young veterinary student joins the circus and falls in love with a married woman. On each page, Jacob’s life and that of an elephant are on the line.

In The Great Gatsby – it’s read in high school so it’s a certifiable classic literary novel – a man tries to woo the golden girl who’s married to a lout. Jay Gatsby risks his heart for idealistic love.

So recently I came across a book that lacked a story and I froze with terror that the dry spell had started again.

(By the way, I won’t name names because that’s cheesy and I don’t need attention so badly that I’ll risk your hate mail.)

Going back to the book … The character was cute but if you read chick lit, you’ve read her a thousand times over and better. The writing was fast-paced and in a few places quirky enough for me to crack a grin. And guess where it takes place? If you thought New York, you win!

I gave it up at page 7 even though:

  • A major publishing house bought and published it.
  • An editor, marketing/PR person, copyeditor, sales squad, cover artist and a cast befitting a Cecil B. DeMille epic worked on it.
  • You’ll find it on the tables at major book stores.
  • Many prominent women in media called it the best thing since their vibrator.

Okay, I made up the part about vibrators but you get the idea.

This book, out of thousands, was plucked for publication even though IT HAS NO STORY.

Seriously dude, that’s the problem. Too many people are story tone deaf and yet have the wherewithal – time and a laptop and in some cases, friends in high places – to write a manuscript that gets published. Trust me, I know. Having judged plenty of contests and having read some awesome work by the members of my former critique group, there are stories out there that can’t find a place at your local bookstore. They’re held off because (a) they’re not “high concept” enough (an over-rated ideal, let me tell you) or (b) publishers can’t take chances on stuff that’s not regency romances or vampires. (Dude, I do don’t get the vampire thing.)

But could someone become pitch perfect when it comes to story? Do you have to be “special,” or can you cultivate it?

Hmm. That’s a toughie. I guess it’s up to the individual – not that I’m claiming to have been born with great literary prowess …. just ask the people who proclaimed their hatred of my books on But when it comes to story, I’m always learning by reading books and watching movies. I read plenty and preferably, beyond the confines of my genre.

When I’m lucky to find that special book or movie that make me forget that I’m a writer, I reread/rewatch it to spot how the author structured the story. I even take notes and ask myself the following:

  1. What does she reveal about the characters? But most importantly, how and when does she reveal what they’re trying to keep secret?
  2. How does she work characters against each other and create conflict that make me hold the book tighter, or lean forward towards the screen?
  3. Where are the pulse points of the story? (One could call them plot points, turning points … whatever floats your boat.

I’m not saying anything new about story telling, by the way. I think every writer knows these questions instinctively and through writing and rewriting and more writing and rewriting, you understand what you’ve been doing since you were playing make-believe as a kid.

So with that all said – oh, I feel like I could walk on air! – I’ve got some storytelling to do.

An Aha Moment

You Are Here

I didn’t die nor did my laptop, in case you’re wondering why this blog hasn’t been updated. It’s the same-old, same-old around here. I’ve been caught up in writing so much that I called the Little Dude by a character’s name. I guess it’s fair because he now has make-believe “bad guys” and “good guys” who get into all kinds of scrapes. (My husband and I are not excluded from these rip, roaring yarns.) Now that the Little Dude can talk, Ryan and I can’t think of whom he gets his imagination from … it must be something in our water.

Anyway, I’m studying TV writing and came across this passage from Crafty TV Writing: Thinking Inside the Box by Alex Epstein. He’s talking about telling a story out loud before writing it, and reading it again after you’ve written it. But this part really got me … can’t you tell, since I haven’t posted a blog since Mary Talbot Fee, whose CD is FABULOUS!!!

Whether you are writing a TV episode, a screenplay, a novel, an essay, a presentation, or a speech, there is nothing as effective in streamlining, enriching and generally beating a story into shape as winging the whole thing front to back off the top of your head.

After all, what you do have to lose? You’re not driving a car. You can’t hurt anyone. If you wrap your story around a tree, you can always untangle it and get it back on the road again with a few leaps of imagination.

This technique worked very well for In Between Men, especially since there were so many different POVs. All I did was read ten-page sections into a tape recorder and then played it back while reading along with the manuscript. It’s really not that painful. Trust me.

But I’ve never tried telling the story out loud before I’ve written it. I think I’ll give it a try with the new material I’m planning to work on over the next couple of weeks. I’ll let you know how it works.

Why I Love the 70’s

I love the 1970’s not just because was I born in the era of disco, Nixon and bell bottoms. I love the opulence of the decade. The giant gas-guzzling land yachts known as cars. Wonder Woman, Charlie’s Angels and Bionic Woman were prime-time TV and I had this thing for the Roll-O and Calgon commercials. The 70’s was the decade when my parents fell in love and my mom carried daisies in her wedding bouquet.

So while I was supposed to be working, I found this video on YouTube and it just inspired why I love that decade. When I see Linda Ronstadt singing – yes, they actually sang on live, national television back then – and her back-up singer in a yellow jump suit, I just think that they were much more real than we are now. Music is prepackaged, manufactured and lipsynched. Back then, it was a girl with a voice, not much fashion sense and a tambourine at her hip.

Also, this is the song that I play whenever I sit down to work on Aracely Calderon.


Just wondering…

It’s not like I don’t have other things to do but these questions have been bumping around in my head. Hopefully by letting them go, I can get on with life … and be free of another excuse to procrastinate.

  1. Why are books titled, “The So-And-So’s Daughter” or “The Such-and-Such’s Wife”? Have you noticed there is a plethora of titles like these? Is it a new genre in which women are defined by the men they’re related to? I tried reading “Ahab’s Wife” and at about page five, I was thinking more about how to perfect my red beans and rice recipe as opposed to uh, Ahab’s wife. So I hope that if the title, “The Ballad of Aracely Calderon,” doesn’t fly, my editor won’t change it to: “The Mariachi’s Daughter.” I better knock on wood just in case!
  2. When a book is described as “a celebration of love and friendship” or something vaguely positive and uplifting, does that mean no one knows what the heck the book is about? Does it mean the heroine will learn she has cancer in the third act and die? And if so, why would I spent money on a book like that in this economy?
  3. And finally, what’s the appeal of galoshes on book covers? To me they symbolize the inconvenience of exchanging your cute footwear for clumsy, sweaty, icky rubbers, as our British friends call them. To my friend, Margo Candela: I’m not bagging on your galoshes. You’re taller than me. You can pull them off whereas galoshes on me would look like wading pants. However if they came in a wedge heel, I might reconsider my opinion.

Okay so there you have it. This is what happens in my head when I’m not writing, cooking, gardening or taking care of the Little Dude.

Literary Orange 2009

Literary Orange comes to UCI for the first time on Saturday, April 4, 8-5 pm, at the UCI Student Center. Presented by the UCI Libraries and the OC Public Libraries, Literary Orange is an exciting day for writers and book lovers. Attendees have the opportunity to hear from an array of authors, have their books signed, ask questions, and learn about the writing process.

The event features keynote speakers Stephen Cannell, best-selling author and TV producer; Ron Carlson, award-winning author and UCI fiction program director; and Sandra Tsing Loh, writer, performer and radio commentator. Over 40 authors will participate on panels covering fiction, non-fiction, journalism, mystery, poetry, science fiction, romance, children’s books, horror, food, graphic novels, memoir, and young adult.

Tickets are $75; $35 for students with I.D. (walk-in registration $85/$45). Admission includes all keynote and panel sessions, book sales and signings; as well as a continental breakfast, sit-down lunch, and afternoon snacks. Limited seating; registration is first come, first served. Information and registration forms are available online at, or at all UCI Libraries and OC Public Libraries. For further information, or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please call (949) 824.4651.

Line Up Ladies

Yesterday I turned in the micro-mini mystery short story to the editor of OC Noir. Its now in his hands and my heroine, Danielle, lingers in the back of mind, impatiently tapping her toe and wondering when the hell I’ll write her book. But first, I have a MAJOR revision to my mariachi book and then I head back to 1926 for the historical and then zip back to present day for the ghost story.

Don’t worry Danielle, a revision is inevitable so our time is not yet over. But then you’ll have to get in line with the other ladies.

Shifting gears from one story to another, for me, is a process. I want to jump right in and yet, I don’t want any of the stuff from the first project to bleed into the next. Also there’s the fear that the new project won’t come out the way I want it to. Invariably it never does but I still hang onto this fear because … well, I’m not sure why. But I’m working on it. Characters come to life, they whisper secrets in my ear or in my dreams. Or, they just take over the and tell me that’s how it’s gonna be.

Writers, you know what I’m talking about. Readers, you get to experience it on the other side when you suddenly lean in closer to the book and hold on with both hands to see what happens next.

I’ve been writing the mariachi story for oh, about three years now. Each revision is like peeling skin and then muscle and now bone. It’s the book that is challenging me; it looks down its nose at me and says, “Come Castillo. Show me what you got, b!%(#.” And I love it.

But first I step in. I review the notes I’ve collected over the past month while writing the mystery. I watch the mariachi documentaries I’ve collected from PBS (God bless them!), review my interview notes and then sit down with the manuscript without a pen or pencil and just let myself into the world. After a thorough read during which I make no marks but take notes in a separate notebook, I open up my working outline and then reread the manuscript with colored pencils and stickies. When that’s all done, I’m in.

So here I go!

Fight On

All you UCLA people should look the other way because this is a call to my fellow ‘SC Trojans!

In the upcoming issue of the USC Mexican American Alumni Association newsletter, I had the honor of interviewing Frank H. Cruz, USC Trustee and former Chairman for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (among other things, he also founded Telemundo and was one of the first Hispanic anchormen). USC MAAA will honor Mr. Cruz at the 35th Annual Scholarship Dinner on March 20th at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.

Now more than ever we need real stories of men and women who scaled the barriers in their paths and lived to tell the tale. If you’d like to receive the USC MAAA’s newsletter, go here. And if you are a USC undergrad or graduate student, scholarship applications can be downloaded here.