Limon Limon

Recipes courtesy of Ingrid Hoffman (Mil gracias, Ingrid!)

Limon Chicken
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 pound chicken parts or boneless chicken breasts
1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 pounds yellow onions, chopped
3 tablespoons yellow Peruvian chile or aji amarillo paste (or diced green chiles)
1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, about 5 to 6 lemons

Heat the oil in a deep saucepan, add the chicken and sear on both sides until golden brown, about 2 minutes on each side. Remove the chicken and add the onions and garlic and cook at medium-low heat until the onions are clear, about 10 minutes. Add the yellow chile and stir. Return the chicken to the onion mixture, cover and cook for 20 to 25 minutes, until chile sauce has completely infused the mixture and the chicken is cooked through. Chicken parts will take longer than boneless breasts. Add the lemon juice and cook another 10 minutes, to allow flavors to meld.

Yield: 6 servings
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Ease of preparation: easy

Mango, Jicama and Radish Salad with Peanut Dressing
3 tablespoons smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup fresh lime juice (about 2 limes)
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
2 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil
8 large radishes, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced crosswise
6 cups mixed baby greens, washed and dried
1 large or 2 small mangoes, peeled, fruit cut off the seed and cubed
2 cups peeled and cubed jicama (cut into about 1/2-inch cubes)
1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves

In a medium bowl, whisk the peanut butter and lime juice until smooth. Add the brown sugar, vegetable oil and some salt and whisk until combined. Add enough water to thin the sauce and give it a dressing-like consistency, about 2 to 3 tablespoons.
Place the radishes, greens, mangoes, jicama and cilantro in a large bowl and toss together.
Drizzle with the dressing, toss using tongs to coat and serve.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Ease of preparation: easy

Snowball Potatoes
4 medium russet potatoes, peeled
1 tablespoon salt
2 ounces Oaxaca or any other soft white cheese, cubed
1 cup seasoned bread crumbs
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Put potatoes in a large pot and fill with water until potatoes are just covered. Add the 1 tablespoon salt. Bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are very soft, about 40 minutes.

Press potatoes through a potato ricer or pulse in a bowl with an immersion hand blender until they are mashed. Let sit for a few minutes until just cool enough to handle.

Cut the white cheese in 1/2-inch cubes.

Prepare a baking sheet with foil wrap and coat with vegetable spray or rub with oil.
Put bread crumbs in a small bowl.

While mashed potatoes are still warm, form into 2-inch balls and insert 1 cheese cube in center, then roll into bread crumbs and place on cookie sheet. Wash hands and dry after every third ball so the potatoes will form evenly and not stick to the bread crumbs in your hand. Quantity should make about 10 balls.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, serve immediately.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Inactive Prep Time: 3 minutes
Ease of preparation: easy

Watermelon Lime Spritzer
2 cups seedless watermelon, cut into cubes
1/2 cup ice cubes
2 cups lemon-lime flavored soda, divided
1 lime, cut into wedges

Place the watermelon and ice cubes in a blender and blend until liquefied. (Once you add the lemon-lime soda, it will thin out even more, add more ice cubes if you want it slushier.) Slowly add 1/2 of the lemon-lime soda and blend until smooth. Pour into glasses, garnish with limes and serve.

Yield: 3 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Ease of preparation: Easy

Pre-order your copy of Ingrid’s upcoming cook book, Simply Delicioso: A Collection of Everyday Recipes with a Latin Twist

Hey There Good Lookin’

New & Recycled Romance’s 20th Anniversary party was a big hit! I signed books alongside Meryl Sawyer, who made me cry when I read, Closer Than She Thinks. If you like New Orleans, Meryl brings the city to life in this taut thriller.

Here I am sitting next to bestselling author, Brenda Novak. (Isn’t her dress cute?) Every year, Brenda organizes a mega, online auction to raise money for diabetes research. Check out the spooky trailer for her new release, Dead Right!
And I was so happy to run into fellow Avon lady, Sylvia Day who writes spicy erotic romances for Avon Red. By the way, if you’re getting ready to make babies, read erotic romance. All I’ll say is that it worked for me!
By the way, if you’re in Costa Mesa/Newport Beach, make sure to visit New & Recycled Romances. Toni and her staff have read just about every book in the place. (You think I’m kidding but I swear it’s true!) These women love romances, mysteries and women’s fiction – the spicier the better! – and they’re more than happy to share their favorites. Also, if you want a copy of one of my books, Toni will order one for you, call me down to the store to sign it and keep it at the store for pick-up or ship it to you!

Time For Tea

Today, Toni Bruner is celebrating twenty years of owning and operating New & Recycled Romances. She opened her store when her collection of books began crowding out her and her husband. Her philosophy, “romance is good for the heart” is evident when you see her regulars come in with bags of books, eagerly talking about the new author she urged them to try or the latest release of their favorite author. I’m lucky to be one of the authors she recommends to customers who drift into the store and profess (with a shudder) that they don’t read romances.
Today, Toni is celebrating her anniversary with an afternoon tea with a whole crew of authors, including best-seller, Brenda Novak (and me, too). If you haven’t gotten around to buying your copy of Names I Call My Sister, come on by for a spot of tea from 3 to 5 p.m. at New & Recycled Romances, 145 Broadway in Costa Mesa.

Introducing the Fabulous Jen Mahal

I’m really lucky to count among my friends the one and only, Jen Mahal. She’s smart as a whip (and if you f*%$ with her, she’ll sting!) but also generous with her time and expertise.

Today, she started a new column about media relations for writers and artists called, Sex and the (Publi)city.

See, I told she was smart.

While I’m ironing out a few wrinkles left over from the last polish of my Mariachi story, and preparing some changes to this blog, I hope you’ll see what Jen has to say.


Adventures in Marriage

My husband is a six foot one Irish-German guy. (His mom swears that he’s Mexican by association because he was conceived in Cancun.)

Anyway, our Little Dude has been throwing nuclear tantrums and the other day my husband walked into the kitchen as I was saying, “No llores, papi. No llores!”

Bewildered, my husband says (in his O.C. accent), “What a coincidence that the word for crying is the name of that town where all those women were disapearing.”

“Llores,” I replied. “Not Juarez.”


Mi Ciudad Es Tu Ciudad

I got my weekly e-newsletter from Tu Ciudad magazine today and to my delight found that my article in the June issue is on the website!

I had the pleasure of interviewing Gina Ravera, who stars in arguably one of the best police shows ever, The Closer. And she works with my “boyfriend” Raymond Cruz. (tee hee!)
Ahem, if you want to read about Gina go here.
If you want to know what’s hot and happening in L.A. and Orange County, go here.
If you want to win a $10 gift certificate, go here.

Too Close For Comfort

In case you were wondering, the lunch was excellent and that nimrod who was so rude to Mom wasn’t there!

But here’s another story for you.
My mom’s co-worker came into work without a bra, which in Mom’s book of rules, is a mortal sin. (As is wearing a black bra under a white shirt.) Apparently, the one bra that she had owned died and after everyone in the office told her to, she went to buy more.
Well, this same co-worker came back to work, now complaining about how she couldn’t breathe very well but she was too afriad to go see her doctor. Mom’s compassionate reply, “Maybe your new bra is too tight.”
Ahh, Mom … gotta love her!
In other news, I have a new Switchcraft contest posted on the site … this time for a $10 gift certificate!

Best Bitch Slap EVER!

Sometime yesterday afternoon, my mom won Best In Show for Best Bitch Slap Ever.

Mom won a free catered lunch for her office and a total dumb ass had the balls to come up to her and ask, “So what are they giving us?”

Mom: Sandwiches from Subway.

Dumb Ass: Did you ask what kind?

Mom: No.

Dumb Ass: What if they give us shit?

Mom: Then you can eat it.

I’m so proud that I could cry. But don’t you wish you could come up with zingers like that on the fly? I always think of good stuff to say days later.

When You Believe

I admit that I had no plans to attend RWA National this year. But Dana talked me into it and now having returned, I’m so glad that she did.

It has been two years since I last attended the national conference and somewhere in that time I forgot the affect it has on me. Yes, I did some great networking and (ahem) drinking with the girls, but from the very first day it made me believe again.

While having lunch at the Hotel Lawrence Wednesday afternoon, I noticed a woman walk in with a pink, “First Sale” ribbon on her conference badge. After we paid the bill, I walked over to her table and congratulated her, hoping she wouldn’t think I was a weirdo. She didn’t, but she shared that it took her 24 years before she sold her first book to Berkeley. (And psst! it’s coming out next year so keep your eyes peeled for Nancy Haddock!) If that doesn’t make you believe in the power of persistence, than I don’t know what could!

Later that night, I signed alot of copies of Names I Call My Sister at the Readers for Life event. Some times I wonder if my books are out there in stores, sitting all alone on their shelves. But then one woman walked up with her copy of Friday Night Chicas and told me how she’d been wanting me to sign it for a long time. That one person made me believe that people other than my friends and my mother actually read my books!

On the last day, my two roomates and I attended a workshop by Linda Howard, Linda Winstead Jones and Beverly Barton. Immediately, we saw ourselves in twenty years: still best friends, still laughing at each other and still lookin’ pretty damn fabulous. Observing those three successful women share their experience in collaborating on the Raintree mini-series made me believe that authors win when they are generous and inclusive.

And finally, after sitting next to one of my idols on the bus to the Avon Family dinner and then attending her workshop the following morning, I believe that it is possible to be incredibily successful and still be a cool person. Not all famous authors I’ve met are cool much less polite. Susan Elizabeth Phillips is graciousness personified and really funny so with that said, I want to be her when I grow up!

Want more RWA National coverage?
The Bestsellers’ Advice

Chicas In The House

Every year more and more Latinas are being published in romance and we’d like to get the word out to our Dallas fans!

If you’re planning to attend RWA National in Dallas, or you happen to work in downtown Dallas and want to hang after hours, Lynda Sandoval and I will be signing Names I Call My Sister at the Reader’s For Life event on Wednesday, July 11 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Caridad Ferrer will also sign copies of her young adult novel, Adios to My Old Life and Caridad Piniero will be signing Secret Agent Reunion and Sex and the South Beach Chicas. This massive booksigning event is free and open to the public and all the proceeds from booksales go to literacy causes.

I’ll also be signing at Avon’s open house (for conference attendee’s only) on Thursday, July 12th from 11 to 11:30 a.m.