It’s One of THOSE Days…

…when your number is called and your first thought is, “is this really happening to me because this sort of thing only happens in the movies”. But then you realize it really is happening and everything in you seems to go silent except the pulse pounding in your ears.

Well, today my husband, Ryan walked into my office and told me with a shaking voice that he was accepted into the MFA Screenwriting program at UCLA!


Back when we learned the Little Dude was a little bean, Ryan has worked for this. He’s had a lot of career ups and downs; the downs outnumbering the ups, which in my opinion as his wife and unofficial adviser, was Fate telling him he had no business becoming a police officer or attorney. Until he decided to go for the impossible dream of writing screen plays, the scales have tipped in his favor. With the second screenplay he’d ever written, Ryan won the prestigious UCLA Screenwriting Contest. In his recent horror writing class, a visiting director and producer pointed to Ryan’s screenplay as the kind he’d produce. Now, he’s taking the next step and as his wife and cheerleader, I couldn’t be prouder.

(But don’t worry, we will always sit on the USC side of the stadium … unless the Little Dude plays for UCLA.)

I may have AWESOME news but I can’t say anything yet and I’m superstitious about these things.

So with my lips sealed, I’ll post this picture: