Outting Myself

If J.K. Rowling outted Dumbledore, than I’ll out the fact that I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo. I even have a profile! So for the next two weeks, I’m focusing on a short story for the blog, my adaptation of Switchcraft and all the pre-writing for my NaNoMo book.
If you want to join me, become my buddy here.
Truthfully, I’m a little nervous. I’ve never committed to 50,000 words in one month and with a nanny-less two year-old and Thanksgiving looming ahead, it’ll be a real challenge. (Not to mention a real kick in the ego if I don’t make it!)
But for the last three weeks or so, I’ve been in promo mode for Switchcraft, which has been a life of writing press releases, stalking bloggers and reviewers and setting up events. It’s been great but I miss writing and I’m starting to crack up. For example, in my non-writing interests I initially wrote “booking” when I meant “cooking!”