Time For Tea

Today, Toni Bruner is celebrating twenty years of owning and operating New & Recycled Romances. She opened her store when her collection of books began crowding out her and her husband. Her philosophy, “romance is good for the heart” is evident when you see her regulars come in with bags of books, eagerly talking about the new author she urged them to try or the latest release of their favorite author. I’m lucky to be one of the authors she recommends to customers who drift into the store and profess (with a shudder) that they don’t read romances.
Today, Toni is celebrating her anniversary with an afternoon tea with a whole crew of authors, including best-seller, Brenda Novak (and me, too). If you haven’t gotten around to buying your copy of Names I Call My Sister, come on by for a spot of tea from 3 to 5 p.m. at New & Recycled Romances, 145 Broadway in Costa Mesa.