31 Cent Scoop Night

Tonight, some time between 5 and 10 p.m. the Little Dude and I are going to our local Baskin-Robbins to support 31 Cent Scoop Night and National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF), an organization that honors America’s fallen fire heroes and their families.

My dad has been a firefighter with the San Diego Fire Department for 27 years. I remember one morning in particular when Dad came home with scorched turn-outs. He said he didn’t even know he was on fire until his partner threw him on the ground. Dad, like most firefighters, treated this sort of thing like it was a big joke. (They’re tough guys, you see.) But around that time, Dad started saying, “I love you” everytime we ended a phone call or went to bed.

Baskin-Robbins will donate $100,000 to NFFF that has developed, “Everyone Goes Home,” a program that helps to prevent fire fighting line-of-duty deaths and injuries.