Look Ma: I’m Gonna Be On TV!

Dudes, I’m going to be interviewed for Si Tv’s “On The Up!”

So at 11:30 a.m. (PST) on Tuesday, think good thoughts that I don’t (a) have lipstick on my teeth, (b) babble or (c) forget that the title of my book is Names I Call My Sister. (Repeat to self!)

The last time I was interviewed on TV it was for Good Morning Arizona during my Hot Tamara book tour. I was fifteen weeks pregnant with the Little Dude and during the live segment, he started kicking me. It was hard not to grab my stomach and tell all of Arizona that I felt my passenger move for the first time.

In a way, I’m a bit sad that I’ll be flying solo this time around.

Oh and I found a red, wrap dress (ala Diane von Furstenberg) at Le Target. I’m trying to decide if I should go with pearls or a chunky, arty piece.
