Spicy Mexican Brownies

I was experimenting in the kitchen and came up with this awesome trick to spice up brownies.

Take a box of brownie mix (not the kind with the fudge package) and follow the package directions

Mix in two teaspoons of ancho chile powder* and two teaspoons of cinnamon

Bake according to the package directions

When I pulled them out, I let them sit for about ten minutes. The smell was da-vine but I forced myself to wait because they’re easier to cut out of the pan and yet, still have a bit of gooey warmth that won’t burn your mouth.

At first taste, the cinnamon and chocolate taste like Mexican hot chocolate. But then the chile kicks in – not too much but just enough to make it interesting.

If you don’t have or can’t find ancho chile powder, cayenne will do the job but use a teaspoon and a half because it has a smokier taste.

Make a batch and let me know what you think!
Psst! I wrote an essay for Gather.com’s “When My Mom Stood Up For Me” contest. Check it out and if you like it, please vote! Go here
And one more thing, if you’re in Orange County, CA, check out Tu Ciudad’s April Issue