Rereading Old Favorites

Before I start a new story or a major revision, I like to reread one of my favorite books. I read them because I want to be swept out of my world and into someone else’s. I like discovering the small nuances that I might have missed or forgotten. A favorite book simply reminds me why I am a writer. It’s not for the website or the publicity or smart business plans. A favorite book reminds me of the miracle in creating a whole world out of words, ink and paper.

So what am I reading? Diary of a Blues Goddess by Erica Orloff. Someone “borrowed” my copy, as in they’ll stole it and I happened to find it when I went to their house the other day! Anyway, it has been years since I last read it and even though Erica has written many amazing books since this one, it holds a special place in my heart.

Do you have favorites you like to read over and over again?
