How Honest Is Too Honest?

Yesterday, Ryan and I took the Little Dude for a walk and we happened upon a miniature train. The Little Dude being a dude ran screaming with delight. When we caught up with him, he pointed through the gate and demanded a ride.

Three bucks later, we were seated right behind the engine. But then the train operator tried to get the Little Dude to smile at her. He frowned. She tried harder. His forehead looked like an accordion by the time she gave up.

Unlike me who has been conditioned to smile and always be polite, the Little Dude doesn’t hide his scorn. You know right off the bat if he likes you or not. And while it can be a bit awkward, I secretly wish I could be more like him.

There have been too many times when I’ve “had” to be nice to a nasty cousin or a colleague who’d stab a pencil in my eye if given the chance. If I was more like the Little Dude, I’d avoid situations where the person thought I liked them and then kept asking if I’d be their friend but inside I was trying to come up with an excuse that wouldn’t hurt their feelings.

I’m torn. How honest is too honest? Is it better to just shut people down, or try not to hurt their feelings?

I know what Mom and Sandy will say. But they’re of that certain age where they just don’t give a sh%$.

For the record, I can’t wait to be a grandma like them!

But for the rest of us young-ins, how do you deal with these types of situations?