One of you…

has to read the final Harry Potter book for me. I can’t do it. What if she kills him off? Or Ron, or Hermione or Hedwig?!?

So please, one of you has to read it first and then tell me if it’s okay.

Even though the Harry Potter series has sold millions of copies around the world and made JK Rowling one of the wealthiest women in entertainment, I wouldn’t want to be her right now.

First, I don’t know how she wrote all those books with the world bouncing over her shoulder.

Second, how would you say good bye to a character who has lived with you for more than a decade? I miss Tamara, Will, Mrs. Allende, Isa … all of them so much.

Okay, back to work with me. Aracely is about to fitted for her traje (Mariachi suit) and I can’t wait!
