Top Romance Book of 2006!

This morning, Rosa of Catalina Magazine Book Club told me that In Between Men was chosen by readers as “Top Romance Book by a Latina Author” in 2006.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry because I remember the day I sat down to write this book and the day I finished it. I had no idea that it would be loved by so many readers. So I’ll just say thank you.

This what they said:

In 2005, Mary Castillo warmed our hearts with her debut novel Hot Tamara. This year, she does it again, in true, fast-paced and fun Mary Castillo style with In Between Men (Harper Collins, 2006). According to book club member, Juanita Johnson, the romantic chick lit novel brings readers a truly loveable, but confused, protagonist, Isa, who appropriately finds love after a bump to the head. The believable and fun dialogue between the characters, clearly one of Mary’s best strengths as an author, makes this romantic tale of girl meets boy an enchanting read.