Not Your Typical New Year’s Post

Cover by Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson for DC Comics

If I learned anything in 2007 – other than how to make pie crust – it’s not to make resolutions.

For years, usually a couple of days after Christmas, I would diligently review all the things I’d accomplished alongside the plan I’d made the year before. Flush with victory, I’d sit down to plan out the new year. Well last week when I opened my business plan for 2007, I realized I didn’t accomplish all the projects I’d set out for myself. And you know what? It didn’t matter because 2007 was the year of unexpected blessings. This year I learned to roll with the punches, stay tuned to what’s in front of me versus thinking of what I should be doing, and rather than writing as fast as I could, I wrote as best as I could.

In December 2006, I’d no idea that in 2007 I would interview authors, actors and chefs for this blog. I got to spend four nights with my bestest friends in Dallas, each of us taking turns sleeping on the floor because the hotel only had one roll-away bed! I discovered the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear, author Syrie James and historical romances by Loretta Chase. Even though I have no idea what they’re saying, I also discovered music artists Alejandro Fernandez (that’s Barb!), Juanes and Mala Rodriguez. I never imagined that I’d drive around Phoenix with Alisa Valdes Rodriguez and discover how much our lives have paralled each others. I also never thought that I could write two short short stories, “Necessary Evil” and “La Familia Orihuela” in one weekend respectively, or that Mom and I would be chased down a dirt road by a rabid dog. (Just so you know, we were taking pictures of an old house that inspired my latest WIP, The Guy Upstairs.)

For 2008 I have no resolutions or expectations. I only have hope. Hope that my family, friends and I will continue to enjoy good health and happiness, and if that’s not possible that we will have the strength to help each other out of the darkness. I hope that I will sell The Ballad of Aracely Calderon, the mariachi story I’ve been telling you about for ages now. Or else, I’ll just have to publish it myself. I hope the writer’s strike ends and that the Wonder Woman movie goes into production. Finally, I hope that every word I write has emotion and power.

But more importantly, whether the good times are a’rolling or the bad times have stopped for a visit, I hope that I will be grateful for every day I wake up alongside my husband … even if the Little Dude is shouting, “NOW!” at four in the morning.

Mary C.