Can’t Deal With This Anymore

Sinner’s Game from

Today was one of those days when I actually went to to look at job postings. I was about three-quarters of the way through chapter 15 when I couldn’t write another word of uninspired, torpid prose. The dialogue was okay but at this stage, my scenes have no transitions and I’m not even sure if these scenes are taking me closer to the end of the book.

After perusing the job market, I remembered the days when I’d be at work thinking it was 3:30 p.m. when it was only 1:15 p.m. and dying for that clock to spin around to 5:30 p.m. so I could go home and write all the scenes that I had been thinking about since I’d driven to the office that morning. Yep, that did the trick.

Suddenly, I remembered what this chapter was about and how it fit into the greater scheme of the book. I didn’t want to practice my presentations or run errands or even walk the six feet to the kitchen for a pick-me-up. I wanted to write all because I remembered the time when I swore that I’d never complain about being a full-time writer.

No more looking back … unless I need to be reminded of how good I’ve got it!