On Avon Romance Blog Today

Hey everyone, I’m on the Avon Romance blog today!

Since I’ve been on “vacation” the last week, I’ve fallen back into my addiction to historical romances. Those crack dealers at Smart Bitches Love Trashy Books introduced me to Loretta Chase and today a 30% Borders Rewards coupon arrived in my email. (Sigh) Last night, I finished Lisa Kleypas’ Mine Till Midnight. Thank God the next book in her new Hathaway series won’t be out till 2008 or 2009, or else I’d never get anything accomplished.

Now I’m reading Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. It’s very literary so that means I’ll get bored while reading and my subconscious will start working on my new book. (I always did my best thinking while half-listening to some of my college professors or my bosses at meetings.) Some may call it disassociation; I call it my creative process.

And now I’m going off-line to dip biscotti in chocolate and pack up my holiday goodies!
