Someone Has Juicy Mangos!

Phyllis L. of Victor, ID was drawn from the hat and will recieve her copy of Juicy Mangos! If you’d like to get your hands on a juicy mango (okay, sorry but a dirty mind is too precious to waste!) then order your copy today!

Also, come back later today for a new profile. I’m sorry I didn’t have it posted this morning but someone who shall not be named didn’t take a nap yesterday! But he did help me decorate for Halloween.

If you’re in the Orange County area, I have two book-signing events coming up. This Saturday I’ll be at the birthday bash for Orange County Chapter of RWA and then next Thursday, I’ll be at Calacas serving up signed copies of Switchcraft and the spicy Mexican brownies! All the info is here. Oh and if you already have Switchcraft and would like to have it signed, stop by Calacas where I promise no book will be left unsigned!

See ya later today!