Where am I?

I’m sorry for going MIA but I’m deep into my book. Anne Rice calls her writing process “going underground” and that’s pretty much where I’ve been.

But I had a great booksigning at Bay Books in Coronado Friday night. I met a buddy from high school and was reminded of the Cheeto-stained copy of White Squaw that had made the rounds in junior high. (I never saw it but I’d heard of its existence!)

Also my interview with actress, Gina Ravera is in this month’s issue of Tu Ciudad magazine. It was such a kick to get to know the woman behind the character of Det. Irene Daniels from The Closer. (One of my all-time favorite TV shows!) The new season starts on June 18th on TNT, but if you want to catch up, seasons one and two are on DVD.

I’ll be laying low for the next week or so. But then I’ll be back with a vengeance.