Virtual Booksigning for Names I Call My Sister

The girls and I decided to celebrate National Sisters Day (Aug. 5th) by holding a virtual booksigning. All you have to do is purchase a copy of Names I Call My Sister and then make a photocopy of the receipt.

On an index card, legibly print or type the following information:
Your Name:
Your preferred mailing address:
Email address: (In case we have any questions)
For whom should we autograph the book?

Prepare a self-addressed, stamped 6 x 9 envelope and mail it along with the index card and the photocopy of your receipt no later than July 15, 2007 to:

Sofia Quintero
c/o Chica Luna Productions
1690 Lexington Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10029

We will send you a personalized bookplate with the signature of all four authors.

When the bookplate arrives, peel off the back, stick on the inside front cover, and enjoy!