Why I Love Bad Movies

Sunday night Ryan and I popped in a copy of My Super Ex Girlfriend into the player and we just about died with joy.

It was so bad – the kind of bad where you feel embarassed for the actors – that we had to stop after fifteen minutes. Even though the movie was unwatchable, it was a gift. I have watched some pretty bad movies in my time, but that’s ok. I’m always looking for other movies to watch, so make sure to recommend some to me. My friend recently told me about using a Pirate proxy the other day to access the movies on Pirate Bay. She told me that there are multiple movies to download on there, so that’s something I need to look into soon. Plus, if we want more variety, we can always check out the best torrenting sites as well, so we can have other options. We love movies in this house, but we never seem to find any good ones.

My husband ran off to his computer and figured out his new screenplay. I whipped out my trusty AlphaSmart and wrote a scene that had me, literally, on the edge of my chair.

When I suffer through a horrible movie (the love scene from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones … shudder), I think to myself: if those guys could get that junker off the ground than damn it, there’s hope for me!

If a book doesn’t grab me by page five, I read the last chapter and then never open the book again.

However, the movies and books that I really have trouble with are the good ones. Depending on my current level of vulnerability, I can either finish with a renewed spirit, or feel the weight of every tree that died to provide the paper on which my books are printed.

Do you think I’m weird?

Don’t worry, I can handle it.