Dude, what’s up with that?

My husband took the Little Dude to baby class yesterday because I’ve been sick with this cold thingy. This particular group, frankly, sucks. It’s way over populated by Newport mommies – big hair, skinny bodies and big boobs that could tip them over if it wasn’t for the big hair.

Ryan had to help clean up and asked two moms to watch the Little Dude. He turns around and my son is half way down the path towards the street! Ryan made it in time but none of those stupid bitches noticed!

Dude if I was there … (picture steam hissing out of my ears!)

But seriously, what’s up with that? I hear people saying that you just can’t let kids run around like you could in the old days, and yet out of those ten mothers, none of them could tear themselves away from their gab fest to watch a toddler. If someone asked me to keep an eye on their child, I’d be on that kid like a shadow. (You thought I was going to say something else, huh?)

Can you imagine how you’d feel if something happened to someone else’s kid on your watch?

Mom tells me that it is only a matter of time before I complete the transition from the don’t-make-waves nice girl to a roaring mama bear.

In the meantime, I’m switching to another class where I hope there are more like-minded parents who actually give a shit.

There. I feel much better.
