After watching Oprah’s show on the aftermath of Katrina, I’ve been praying for a way to help those in need. Let’s face it, I can’t exactly fly down and build a house right now.
But I read this and I hope you’ll join me in collecting books you no longer read and send them to the New Orleans Public Library system. Also, I’m going to enquire about libraries in other towns, possibly for the families who are still living in tent cities.
For now here’s the alert:
In an effort to restock its shelves after Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Public Library is asking for donations of hardcovers and paperbacks for people of all ages. Library staff will decide which books should go into its collection; the rest will go to destitute families or be sold to raise funds for the library.
Please send books to: Rica A. Trigs, Public Relations, New Orleans Public Library, 219 Loyola Ave., New Orleans, LA. 70112.
Apparently if donors mention to the Postal Service that the books are for the library in New Orleans, they will be able to send the books at the library rate, which is slightly less than the book rate.